Saturday, January 30, 2016

Concept 1.3

Concept 1.3
The Rules for Good Writing
In the introduction to this section the authors put to rest the old adage that writing has to follow set precise rules in order to be "good", and more importantly, in order to get a good grade. They then go on to express different methods that should take the place of rules, explaining how writing is much more complex and fluid than to be aimed and fit inside certain rules. The rest of the chapter goes on to explain the difference between closed and open form prose. From what I learned from this is that closed is much more structured in how it approaches a topic, using unified paragraphs, topic sentences, focused transitions and an overall connection throughout the paper that is often referenced, while Open form is the near opposite of that, whilst still retaining order and structure it is focused more on exploration and the growth of thought rather than reaching a conclusion or trying to express something. With the help of a chart, the Continuum is explained, and that is basically a standing of which genres and kind of writing should be written in closed or open form prose, and how to identify which to use and how to use it for your particular paper. In closing they go over how the guidelines of writing shift based on the rhetorical setting.

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